Welkom bij het Paul lwanga Memorial beroepscentrum

Doe mee met onze zaak en help de jeugd van Oeganda nieuw leven in te blazen

Over OnsDoneer

The bearer of the vision and dream for PLMVC is Madrine Mayanja who hails and grew up from Busubi Village and was inspired by the voluntary works of her grandfather the late teacher Paul Lwanga as he was called. The vision is due to the high number of struggling women, school dropouts especially girls and the challenging experience of disabled youth that calls for support. Madrine would therefore like to support these people following her late grandfather’s footsteps of voluntary work by establishing a community based skills empowerment center. The Center is named after her grandfather as a remembrance of his good voluntary works.

Community Based Skills Empowerment Center met als algemeen doel de minder bevoorrechte en kwetsbare categorie mensen mondig te maken door middel van technische vaardigheden voor zelfhulp om armoede te verlichten en hun levensonderhoud te verbeteren.

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